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Tuesday, May 17 2022
10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PST


Opening Remarks
Plenary A | 10:05am-11:05am
Advancing Economic Mobility in Immigrant and Refugee Communities

California is home to nearly 11 million immigrants and leads the nation in welcoming the largest population of refugees. While both populations are indispensable to our state’s economy, immigrants and refugees face distinct barriers and obstacles that hinder their pathways to success, whether it be workplace rights, quality employment opportunities offering a living wage, skills training, and more. Hear from a panel of experts as they highlight ways California can foster a more inclusive economy and increase  upward mobility for immigrants and refugees.


  • Erica Bouris, Director of Economic Empowerment, International Rescue Committee

  • Rita Medina, Deputy Director of State Policy and Advocacy, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights

  • Edgar Ortiz, Economic Justice Policy Analyst, California Immigrant Policy Center


Opening Remarks:

Zima Creason, Executive Director, California EDGE Coalition



Lexi Lopez, Program Director, California EDGE Coalition






Plenary B11:10am-12:10pm
Creating Inclusive Career Pathways: Skills Training and Holistic Supports that Expand Opportunity

Effective skills training and partnership models create inclusive career pathways. Building an inclusive economy requires a vast network of workforce stakeholders to function like a well-oiled machine, from community colleges, to trusted community-based organizations, and employers. In this panel, experts will explore the different opportunities for connection between industry stakeholders and how they are building partnerships to increase equity. Panelists will highlight various effective holistic skills training models being implemented in California. They will discuss integrated education and training for English language learners, CTE, earn and learn, apprenticeships, industry specific training that leads to good jobs, and other ways to increase economic mobility.


  • Dr. Tammeil Y. Gilkerson, President, Evergreen Valley College

  • Dr. Su Jin Jez, Executive Director, California Competes

  • Arcenio J. López, Executive Director, Mixteco/Indígena Community Organizing Project (MICOP)



Karina Paredes-Arzola, State Network Manager, National Skills Coalition


Closing Remarks

Legislative Visit Briefing
​1:00 - 2:00 p.m. PST

Attendance at this session is required for attendees that registered to participate in legislative visits.  Advocacy initiatives have been defined by the Skills for CA staff and are intended to advance Skills for CA Policy Agenda . The briefing will include an overview of talking points, information on what to expect during the visit, and time for small teams to connect and coordinate.


Attendees that registered to participate in legislative visits received an email and calendar invite and unique zoom link for the leg briefing and leg visits. 


If you are experiencing technical difficulties related to the legislative briefing or legislative visits, please email

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